Jinnipha Nivasabut

Walking disaster


oil on canvas


The idea comes from the relationship between natural resources and capitalism.
Together use natural resources in the environment to produce food items for consumption. while the capitalist system to destroy this relationship Because it aims to build production relations to seek the maximum benefit from natural resources regardless of the impact that will be received.

It reflects the impact of the influence of capitalist development in which the local population is reliant on wages to live in accordance with capitalist mechanisms. due to the lack of production factors and without the right to use natural resources As well as being suppressed by capitalists with greater bargaining power than the local population, many people are forced to surrender to such influences.

The artist symbolically uses the human head to convey to all of us who are affected by the economic growth that comes with the environmental issues we face today.
Industrial plants are a symbol of the main driving force of the economy while at the same time being a major contributor to environmental problems that are becoming a threat to the world we live in and affect the future existence of human beings.
